WSTB Catalogue
Showing 61–80 of 107 results
WSTB No. 47
€10,00Vincent Eltschinger “Caste” et philosophie bouddhique. Continuité de quelques arguments bouddhiques contre le traitement réaliste des dénominations sociales” (2000) 204p.
WSTB No. 46
€10,00Katia Buffetrille “Pèlerins, lamas et visionnaires. Sources orales et écrites sur les pèlerinages tibétains” (2000) XII 377p.
WSTB No. 45
€10,00Helmut Eimer “The Early Mustang Kanjur Catalogue” (1999) 202p.
WSTB No. 44
€0,00Robert Kritzer “Rebirth and Causation in the Yogācāra Abhidharma” (1999) IX 327p. (out of print)
WSTB No. 43
€10,00Helmut Tauscher “Phya pa Chos gyi seṅ ge, dBu ma shar gsum gyi stoṅ thun” (1999) XXXIII 146p.
WSTB No. 42
Yuichi Kajiyama “An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy. An Annotated Translation of the Tarkabhāṣā of Mokṣākaragupta” Reprint of the original edition, Kyoto 1966, with corrections in the author’s hand (1998) VII 173p. (out of print) The original edition is available in PDF format here.
WSTB No. 41
€10,00K. Kollmar-Paulenz and J. S. Barlow “Otto Ottonovich Rosenberg and his Contribution to Buddhology in Russia” (1998) XIII 81p.
WSTB No. 40
€10,00“The Brief Catalogues to the Narthang and the Lhasa Kanjurs. A Synoptic Edition of the bKa’ ‘gyur rin po che’i mtshan tho and the rGyal ba’i bka’ ‘gyur rin po che’i chos tshan so so’i mtshan byaṅ dkar chag bsdus pa.” Compiled by the members of staff, Indo-Tibetan section of the Indologisches Seminar, Universität Bonn, Issued on the Occasion of Professor Dr. Claus Vogel’s sixty-fifth birthday, July 6 (1998) 206p.
WSTB No. 39
€10,00Birgit Kellner “Nichts bleibt nichts.” Die buddhistische Zurückweisung von Kumārilas abhāvapramāṇa. Übersetzung und Interpretation von Śāntarakṣitas Tattvasaṅgraha vv. 1647 – 1690 mit Kamalashīlas Tattvasaṅgrahapañjikā, sowie Ansätze und Arbeitshypothesen zur Geschichte negativer Erkenntnis in der Indischen Philosophie (1997) XXXIII 154p.
WSTB No. 38
€10,00Eli Franco “Dharmakīrti on Compassion and Rebirth” (1997) 394p. (out of print)
WSTB No. 37
€10,00Chizuko Yoshimizu “Die Erkenntnislehre des Prāsaṅgika-Madhyamaka nach dem Tshig gsal stoṅ thun gyi tshad ma’i rnam bshad des ‘Jam dbyaṅs bshad pa’i rdo rje” Einleitung, Textanalyse, Übersetzung (1996) XXII 309p.
WSTB No. 36
€10,00Helmut Tauscher “Die Lehre von den zwei Wirklichkeiten in Tsoṅ kha pas Madhyamaka-Werken” (1995) X 478p.
WSTB No. 35
Jeffrey D. Schoening “The Śālistamba Sūtra and its Indian Commentaries” 2 vols. (1995) XX/IX 388/382p.
WSTB No. 34
Jonathan A. Silk “The Heart Sūtra in Tibetan.” A Critical Edition of the Two Recensions Contained in the Kanjur (1994) 205p. (out of print)
WSTB No. 33
€10,00Claus Oetke “Studies on the Doctrine of trairūpya” (1994) 144p.
WSTB No. 32
€10,00Gudrun Bühnemann “*Sādhanashataka and *Sādhanashatapañcāshikā” Two Buddhist Sādhana Collections in Sanskrit Manuscript (1994) 150p.
WSTB No. 31
€10,00Takashi Iwata “Prasaṅga und Prasaṅgaviparyaya bei Dharmakīrti und seinen Kommentatoren” (1993) 158p.
WSTB No. 30
€10,00Roy Andrew Miller “Prolegomena to the First Two Tibetan Grammatical Treatises” (1993) 252p.
WSTB No. 29
€10,00Claus Oetke “Bemerkungen zur buddhistischen Doktrin der Momentanheit des Seienden. Dharmakīrtis sattvānumānam” (1993) 266p.
WSTB No. 28
€10,00Helmut Eimer “Ein Jahrzehnt Studien zur Überlieferung des Tibetischen Kanjur” (1992) XL 202p.
Showing 61–80 of 107 results