WSTB Catalogue
Showing 41–60 of 107 results
WSTB No. 67
€10,00Birgit Kellner “Jñānaśrīmitra’s Anupalabdhirahasya and Sarvaśabdābhāvacarcā: A Critical Edition with a Survey of his Anupalabdhi-Theory” (2007) 126p.
WSTB No. 66
€10,00Konrad Klaus & Jens-Uwe Hartmann (eds), “Indica et Tibetica. Festschrift für Michael Hahn, zum 65. Geburtstag von Freunden und Schülern überreicht” (2007) 616p.
WSTB No. 65
€10,00Helmut Eimer “Buddhistische Begriffsreihen als Skizzen des Erlösungsweges” (2006) 196p.
WSTB No. 64
€10,00Ulrich Timme Kragh “Early Buddhist Theories of Action and Result” A Study of karmaphalasambandha. Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā, Verses 17.1-20 (2006) 422p.
WSTB No. 63
€10,00Kurt Tropper “Die Jātaka-Inschriften im skor lam chen mo des Klosters Zha lu” Einführung, textkritische Studie, Edition der Paneele 1-8 mit Sanskritparallelen und deutscher Übersetzung (2005) 413p.
WSTB No. 62
€10,00Taiken Kyuma “Sein und Wirklichkeit in der Augenblicklichkeitslehre Jñānaśrimitras. Kṣaṇabhaṅgādhyāya I: Pakṣadharmatādhikāra. Sanskrittext und Übersetzung” (2005) 165p.
WSTB No. 61
€10,00Dram Dul “´Jig rten mig gcig blo ldan shes rab kyi rnam thar. Biography of Blo ldan shes rab. The Unique Eye of the World by Gro luṅ pa Blo gros ‘byuṅ gnas. The Xylograph Compared with a Bhutanese Manuscript” (2004) 80p.
WSTB No. 60
€10,00Pascale Hugon “mTshur ston gZhon nu seng ge, Tshad ma shes rab sgron ma” (2004) 364p.
WSTB No. 59
€10,00Ryusei Keira “Mādhyamika and Epistemology” A Study of Kamalaśīla’s Method for Proving the Voidness of all Dharmas. Introduction, Annotated Translations and Tibetan Texts of Selected Sections of the Second Chapter of the Madhyamakāloka (2004) 304p.
WSTB No. 58
€10,00Shoryu Katsura & Ernst Steinkellner (eds), “The Role of the Example (dṛṣṭānta) in Classical Indian Logic” (2004) 275p.
WSTB No. 57
€10,00Stephan Kloos “Tibetan Medicine Among the Buddhist Dards of Ladakh” (2004) 183p.
WSTB No. 56
€10,00Samten Karmay “The Diamond Isle: A Catalogue of Buddhist Writings in the Library of Ogyen Chöling, Bhutan” (2003) 265p.
WSTB No. 55
€10,00Pascale Hugon “Le rTags kyi rnam gzhag rigs lam gsal ba’i sgron me de Glo bo mkhan chen bSod nams lhun grub. Un manuel tibétain d´introduction à la logique. Edition et traduction annotée” (2002) 230p.
WSTB No. 54
€10,00David Seyfort Ruegg “Two Prolegomena to Madhyamaka Philosophy. Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā Madhyamakavṛttiḥ on Madhyamakakārikā. I.I and Tsoṅ kha pa Blo bzaṅ grags pa / rGyal tshab Dar ma rin chen’s dKa’ gnad/gnas brgyad kyi zin bris. Annoted Translations. Studies in Indian and Tibetan Madhyamaka Thought Pt. 2.” (2002) 299p.
WSTB No. 53
€10,00Dragomir Dimitrov, Ulrike Roesler & Roland Steiner (eds), “Śikhisamuccayaḥ. Indian and Tibetan Studies (Collectanea Marpurgensia Indologica et Tibetologica).” (2002) 227p.
WSTB No. 52
€10,00Rita Langer “Das Bewußtsein als Träger des Lebens. Einige weniger beachtete Aspekte des viññāṇa im Pālikanon.” (2001) XII 89p.
WSTB No. 51
€10,00Vincent Eltschinger “Dharmakīrti sur les mantra et la perception du supra-sensible.” (2001) 166p.
WSTB No. 50
€10,00David Seyfort Ruegg “Three Studies in the History of Indian and Tibetan Madhyamaka Philosophy. Studies in Indian and Tibetan Madhyamaka Thought Pt. 1.” (2000) XIV 322p.
WSTB No. 49
€8,70Horst Lasic “Ratnakīrtis Vyāptinirṇaya. Sanskrittext, Übersetzung, Analyse” (2000) 95p.
WSTB No. 48
€10,00Horst Lasic “Jñanasrimitras Vyāpticarcā. Sanskrittext, Übersetzung, Analyse.” (2000) 188p.
Showing 41–60 of 107 results